Problems Now
- High diesel fuel costs
- Quality of “New” diesel fuel
- Contaminants in your oil
- Contaminants in your engine
Diesel Fuel Concerns:
Water and particulate are continually being formed or deposited in all fuel storage tanks. The condensation process goes on day and night. If the tank is steel, this also sets up the possibility of rust contamination. Also, when water and fuel are combined, bacteria becomes a concern. As this contaminated fuel is transferred in the marketing system, it can pass through as many as eight or ten different tanks before it finally reaches your vehicle. In some of these transfers the fuel may be filtered in some manner; often it is not.
Another reason to focus on cleaner fuel is manufacturers’ recommendations. They demand ONLY the Highest Quality Fuel entering the cylinders. Fuel pressures today are higher than ever. For example, Bosch mechanical type fuel pumps have pressures set as high as 17,000 PSI. HEUI type Unit Injector Systems used by Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel and Navistar, in their electronically controlled engines, have fuel pressures as high as 28,000 PSI. As the fuel is transferred from the tank to the engine, you have little opportunity to catch and hold any contaminants. With these types of pressures, the smallest particle of water or solid contaminant can do a lot of very expensive damage in a very short time, costing much more than the investment in proper filtration. You need clean fuel from your source tank.
The Solution: COMO Filtration Systems
With a wide variety of equipment configurations, COMO Filtration can solve the problem. COMO systems remove all solid particles from the fuel system, as well as unwanted water. This reduces down time, extends the life of the injection pump, injectors and primary filter, thus protecting and extending the life of the engine. COMO Filtration System’s “Diesel Fuel Blending” units filter both the fuel oil and used crankcase oil, and then mix the two together to a desired ratio. These units are available in all sizes, from small portable units to large automated systems. COMO “Fuel Blending” systems have been utilized by: The U.S. Military, Power Generation facilities, Trucking Firms and many others areas where the need is great for facilities to make the most of fuel management techniques.